Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ora Beach Paradise Indonesia in the Maluku

Ora Beach Paradise Indonesia in the Maluku
Maluku island secretly have a myriad of treasures that you will never find anywhere else. Start of cultures that still maintained until the slick natural beauty. One of the places in Maluku, which supposedly is not less beautiful than Maladewa and Bora-bora, is Ora Beach. 
Ora Beach Paradise Indonesia in the Maluku
Ora beach directly behind the hills of the National Park Manusela, Maluku. About seven hours from the center of the city of Ambon. When talking about the Ora Beach, will inevitably mention Ora Beach Resort, manager of the tourist sites. So that not everyone can go around immerse feet in the white sand as fine as flour. 
Ora Beach Paradise Indonesia in the Maluku
Ora Beach Resort itself is a blend of comfort and natural beauty stay Ora Beach. Moreover, the managers of Ora Beach Resort using his concept of floating bungalows. Where tourists can instantly plunged to enjoy the beauty of marine life, so out of the door of the room. Until many say Ora Beach is its Indonesian Maladewa. "Make Ora Beach so right destination to spend time with special people." 
Ora Beach Paradise Indonesia in the Maluku
For those of you who can not dive or swim, do not worry. There, you will still be able to enjoy the underwater scenery Ora. Because Ora has a really clear sea water. So with Dudung bungalow on the edge, you can see a variety of sea creatures 
Ora Beach Paradise Indonesia in the Maluku
"But unfortunately that also plunged baseball," said Grace. Because in Ora, there is a mixture of sea and fresh water from the mountains Manusela. "So sometimes swimming or diving can feel the warm water, or turn into a cold." 
Ora Beach Paradise Indonesia in the Maluku
To get a satisfactory experience in the Ora Beach, should you come when from April to August. Because throughout the month, the middle of the dry season Maluku. So that your holiday will not be disturbed rain. 
Ora Beach Paradise Indonesia in the Maluku
Resort was had to make reservations several months before arrival. So that you do not run because bungalow already booked another visitor. For a snack, you should have prepared when still in the city of Ambon. Because in Ora, no shops. There are only a restaurant owned by the resort manager. "Do not forget to bring a waterproof camera, I'LL be satisfied to take pictures," said Grace. "And certainly, invite your loved ones. In order for your holiday more complete."

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