Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wave Bono (Riau, Indonesia)

Have you ever imagined you surf in a river with waves up to 6 feet tall and have the duration of 2 hours. In Indonesia you (surfers) can see and feel how it feels to stand on surfing for 2 hours, only in Indonesia.

Wave Bono (Riau, Indonesia) Gelombang Bono, Indonesia

Bono waves , that's his name . Bono waves of high-speed up to 40 km / h , moving from the direction of the mouth of the river upstream or initiated from Young Island to the Gulf of Binjai on the Kampar River . Waves can reach a height of 4-6 m high tide season.
Wave Bono (Riau, Indonesia) Gelombang Bono, Indonesia
Bono wave also known as the seven waves of ghosts ( Seven Ghosts ). That is because the generated waves could reach seven successive layers of waves and can even create the vault ( barrel ), not unlike the waves in the ocean . Uniquely, the waves roll even in a much longer duration of time ( could be up to 2 hours ) when compared with the waves in the ocean surfers usually indulge in just a number of minutes. Because of his prowess, Bono waves are not recommended for novice surfers.
Wave Bono (Riau, Indonesia) Gelombang Bono, Indonesia
Bono is an amazing natural phenomenon. Where, when the tide of the river water will menggelombang, large choppy. The wave height is 6 feet. Bono contained in Kampar River District of Kuala Kampar regency has been regarded as a matter for local communities in the Kuala Kampar, Bono considers them there as a playground for boating dexterity test.To reach this location Bono ( Kampar River District of Teluk Meranti , Pelalawan ) can be reached by land transport from Pekanbaru to Pangkalan Kerinci around 70km and within 1.5 hours travel time . Then proceed to the Teluk Meranti road trip through the District Bunut trip can be taken approximately 4 hours time . Moreover trip can also be done using water transportation , from Base Kerinci ( Kerinci Base Port in the bridge ) we can use the speedboat to the village of Young Island ( the best location to watch BONO ) with travel time approximately 4.5jam. Bono is a mainstay Travel oobjek ProvinsiRiau.
Wave Bono (Riau, Indonesia) Gelombang Bono, Indonesia
For the world's surfers (surfers) and tourists from outside, Kampar Bono is an amazing discovery and even the world selencar revealed remarkable for "the Kampar Bono", as expressed by Chris Mauro in his article published "A dreamlike wave found in an Indonesian river is stunning surf world (a dream wave found in one river in Indonesia riveting world surfing), "wrote. Mauro writing itself then refers to what he calls 'an incredible discovery' by the team (expedition) Rip Curl recently, which he said "might be unmatched" (may be Unrivaled)

TIPS"Keep in mind the condition of the Kampar River when high tide dangerous enough to be forded. Go with the (speedboat driver) who is experienced in the River Kampar. Calculate departure time and weather conditions if you want to watch or surf the waves Bono. Teluk Meranti village often experience flooding at times of wave emergence Bono. To anticipate this, local residents build houses on stilts. Kampar River water color is brown. It is advisable for you to wear color than white.
Wave Bono (Riau, Indonesia) Gelombang Bono, Indonesia
Bono wave surfers only for professionals but still need to be vigilant and cautious. For those of you who are beginners should be careful with Waves plug Bono especially when the season arrives. For beginners, it is advisable to challenge the smaller waves in the river Turip, Serkap and Kerumutan. 

Bono waves have reached a height of 6 meters can usually be "found" in the range of months of August to December. The most substantial wave peak occurred in November and February. For the wave height of approximately 2 meters, usually occurs in January-July.
Wave Bono (Riau, Indonesia) Gelombang Bono, Indonesia
Estimated emergence Bono Seven Ghost is as follows:
  • 15 october - 18 October
  • 29 October - 1 November
  • 13 November - 16 November
  • 27 November - December
  • 26 December -29 December
  • The most substantial wave peak occurred in November and February. 
Note : 
On February 9 to 14, 2013, Bono will be the spotlight of the world and will be recorded in the Guinness World Records. That is because Kampar River becomes the location of the record-breaking surf the longest and the longest in the world class wave riding Bono.

For accommodation needs, when he got in Teluk Meranti there are some simple homestay for rent. Rates per night for lodging fairly affordable. To meet the needs of eating is not too difficult. Although not fancy, there are a number of eating places with a dish of food and a distinctive taste tempting.

brother show your guts in Wave Bono 
we respect the Indonesian surfers :)